Thursday, September 24, 2015

Time and the hour runs through the roughest day


This morning was one of those  mornings after one of those wakeful nights.  Had decided to do without the usual pill as I am usually tired anyway and blow me down I was awake 4 hours later for a good 3 hours.  I had read somewhere that those pills cause hallucinations.  I wouldn't like those. 

Anyway however took the morning slowly and did my marmalade grapefruit slicing. I got  the food processor out and sliced the grapefruit in that, then cleaned the food processor well in preparation for selling it. I don't think I won't make as much as in the past as my manual dexterity has waned somewhat, with Parkinson's making its presence felt in my right hand.  We have been buying different jams and enjoying black currant, apricot with ginger, mixed berry, honey and marmite after never buying  bought stuff. The taste buds are also on the wane so a variety is better, especially the piquant or tangy kind of taste sensations.  

To buoy the spirits further we went into  town for some lunch and a  concert in the library which was good - a school who have given good concerts each year.  Shouted myself some warm fuzzies and bought 2 DVDs of their performances.  

I started a library book , Family matters, by Rohan Mistry about an Indian man with PD who does everything (like moi) for his family, who find it all too much when the chips are down and he has an accident  and breaks his ankle and has to rely on them to toilet him with commode and bed pan and be looked after them.  

All too foreboding but I am engrossed in this book so will carry on with vicarious pleasure. It is actually quite funny image wry sort of way.  Have yet another new McCall Smith to pick up which will be light relief when I finish the other.

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