Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Food Glorious Food

Yesterday was the Parkinson's meeting  I went to in the hall adjoining the lovely old brick church of St Barnabas. I always make a point of going through the church to get to the hall and imbibe a bit of the prayerful atmosphere first.  It might be good for my raised blood pressure too.  

The topic was food and Parkinson's, making sure you get enough of the right kinds of food each day or at least over time to avoid losing weight, becoming weak and falling. Mostly though eating for health and pleasure, using brightly coloured herbs for seasoning and contrasting colours would be my suggestions to counteract the need for less salt and failing taste buds. Often people with Parkinson's report they have a weakened sense of smell too.

It is about getting protein at the right time of the day so that the medication gets through to the brain first. So at lunch time I have my cold meat, fish and/or egg  and in the evening too, keeping to just milk on my porridge or cereal in the morning. 

My blood pressure was up a bit recently so time to reduce the salt intake and try a bit of meditation/mindfulness / relaxed slow breathing to get,and keep it down, on demand as it were.

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