Monday, March 16, 2015

Hard to Swallow perchance?

I always enjoy the informative sessions presented by a speech language therapist from Green Lane hospital every few weeks.  The last one was on that vital process of swallowing and the part the vocal chords play in shutting off the airway so you can swallow and not splutter.  This is another very good reason to keep talking and avoid having your vocal chords atrophy through lack of use.  There is always hope  - Use it and improve it works better than the threat  - Use it or lose it.  

will have to keep up the loud talking, and singing  at the Celebration Choir because it is all interconnected with eating and swallowing. Decided to talk at mealtimes with D rather than listening to the radio.  It is easier to sit in companiable silence but better to keep up the conversation and the physiology.    

At that same meeting there was a stimulating presentation on exercise for  Parkinsons people. All about big and large movements not gentle stretching or small dainty steps.  Oh well.  I can practice those at the gym too.  

It was a very hot day and the bus home was late and crawled along Gillies Ave in the after school traffic. Just one of those things.
This photo was taken out the bus window coming over the Harbour Bridge recently. Good old Auckland. Made me feel good to be alive.

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