Friday, August 29, 2014

Co-ordination and Balance

Somehow I think this is fighting a losing battle trying to improve this in my case.  All the exercises won't reproduce what has already gone.  The others at tai chi manage to stand on one leg and move the other foot up and down, round and about, back and forth but not me - unless I am hanging on to the wall.   So far I haven't had any falls or mishaps but in case things get worse I have decided to reduce the clutter of furniture somewhat  so there is less chance of tripping over the surfeit of furniture.  Last week I sold a couple of bentwood chairs, one more with a slightly warped seat, to go. I never actually sat on them just used them to put things on. So my next task is to find places out of the way for these things, or get rid of them too.

I had a week or so out of action with a terrible cold but managed to do a few little jobs around the house and sorted through papers from yesteryear, chucking them in the recycling bin before I changed my mind.  

To take my mind off things I practiced my hand-eye coordination by finishing a jigsaw that had been cluttering up the dining room table for a couple of weeks.  It was only 500 pieces and not too difficult as the pieces were big. The subject matter  was flowers and old china, both things  dear to my heart so I did enjoy doing it, put off only by the winterery conditions in that room on the south side of the house.  Getting back to coordination I found I avoid using my right hand, the side affected by Parkinson's  and have become ambidextrous doing a very good job thank you very much with my left hand.  Better keep using the right hand though so it doesn't become completely useless.

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