Friday, May 18, 2012

Third Anniversary Week

I realize it is three years this month since I was first diagnosed with Parkinson's which at the time was a real shock to the system.   Nowadays I keep up to date with research and do things that enable me to live life to the max. 

Went to a one of the six weekly coffee mornings at the garden centre cafe this week, meeting up with our field officer Kay and 8 or 9 nice women I have got to know.  We had a visit from a massage therapist who spoke about the positive outcomes a good massage can bring about - reduction of stiffness and tension, and an increase of  wellbeing.  In the past I have used massage at the physio  when I have had a speciific ache or pain, not so much to prevent such aches or pains from developing.

Did a zumba class today at the Y this morning and enjoyed moving about to the Latin American music  following our South American instructor Monica.  Haven't danced with such abandon for years, a wonderful exhilarating feeling, and good for the co-ordination and the brain as well.

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