Sunday, January 18, 2015

What to do when your carer needs caring for!

This was not something I had not thought would ever happen so when it did, I did what I had to - look after myself and look after D. I didn't have much time to think about it either as when the crunch and D was admitted to hospital we had only a couple of hours notice. 

So no more rides up the road to the bus stop , no more trips to the supermarket, no more help with with meal preparation, no more company in the evenings, nobody to weed the garden, bring in the washing, do the vacuuming, watch TV with, talk to, laugh with, confide in , share with for nearly six weeks now.  Not nice.  

All these things,  I took for granted when the going was good. In the meantime I suppose I have adjusted  and accommodated most of the tasks into my week, one way or other.  Friends have helped me on the weekends and I have streamlined my routines. 


Half of January has already gone without my formalising any special goals for the year. There  is the ongoing desire to keep fit and well which I accomplish by going to the gym.  Then there is the desire to keep buoyant and positive and not fall prey to anxiety or depression,heaven forbid. The warmer weather means sleep is lighter and wakeful periods more frequent and  I find myself ruminating more on life and its vicissitudes.

Tied in with the low level of dopamine is my all too long use of my iPad at any time of the day but starting early before rising. This might be one activity which is bordering on the Parkinson's phenomon called punding , the curious repetion of some activity that relieves pressure and makes you feel good if you're luckyl This is one activity that I could try and reduce if only to prove to myself I can do so.let's see.