Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Doing My Bit

This is a new dessert dish that I bought at the Meissen factory last year.
First strawberries of the season, albeit Australian ones.

Yesterday took part in some nursing training along with about another forty older people.  We were each interviewed or chatted to by 1st year nursing students on our health , nutrition and well-being  - three different  students for about 15 minutes at a time.  They were about 19,  most of them, nice young people and it was not hard for me to talk  about  my health issues and attitude to them.  I think it was part of their inter - generational studies course.

We were told they were very nervous but I think they got over that very quickly,  judging from the buzz in the room.

We were given a nice afternoon tea and a $20 Westfield card which in my haste to examine and think about what I might spend it on promptly lost while putting it the envelope back in my bag.   Have emptied both bag and handbag to no avail.  will buy something nice anyway with $20 of my own money instead!

I have been having problems with swallowing when I eat lumpy or hard food so I am starting to modify my food options.  Bought some nice salmon spread,  Moroccan carrot and honey dip and  Australian strawberries for lunch from Nosh yesterday.  Sliced the strawberries and steeped them for a while after sprinkling them with  icing sugar and enjoyed them with creamy rice pudding made in the old crockpot  I have not used for a while.

The speech language therapist happened to ring to touch base and see how I was getting on so the upshot of that I am going to have a scan of my swallowing mechanism at Greenlane in a couple of weeks and they will be able to see what is happening when I swallow food and where it goes or doesn't and shouldn't but should!

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