Moral of the story always have a carafe of iced water and some nice glasses on the table .
Talking about glasses we do have a few lovely ones. Usually just one or two that we have acquired from op shops. The oldest is an etched 18th century one from Germany which was given to Dieter by one of his relatives in Leipzig. They had it in their garden house on a ledge. We don't often use it.
Then there are the delicate pale green Romer. These two on the right may be crystal, they are very delicate glasses and nice for drinking wine out of in summer. The ones on the left are our everyday wine glasses and we have had them for years and years and years.
Nowadays my wine and alcohol consumption is minimal . I have got out of the habit of it, but if I have to open a bottle for some wine to add to a recipe I am cooking like chicken chasseur, or beef stroganoff then we enjoy the rest of the bottle over the folllowing days. We use small wine tasting glasses that come from wine producing villages on the Rhein River in Germany where my mother's sister lived with her husband and family.
For water we are using odd NZ yellowish 1960s glasses. You got your drinks in the pub or restaurant in glasses like this. They went well with Crown Lynn china, and still do.
Last but not least are these handpainted champagne glasses that I bought at a Christmas craft market on Waiheke a few years ago. I like using them whenever we open a bottle of bubbles - usually either Henkel Trocken or good old Lindauer.