Friday, February 12, 2016


Had a fall last week which was the straw that broke the camel's back for the rest of the week it seemed, being doubly hard coping with the summer heat and the embarrassment of a grazed and bloodied face.

It happened while we were away for the weekend on the island and outside on the footpath which was a bit uneven .  Where one section joined the other there was a higher bit and with the way I shuffle at times I tripped and ended up face on the footpath, arms and legs spread eagled like a starfish.

Thankfully no broken bones and the face was not too bad. Finally got to the Whitecross a day later and got my knee dressed and a tetanus injection. I was told just to keep my face clean with warm water, no ointment, plaster or  antiseptic. Don't put anything on your face that you wouldn't put in your eye.

There are midday tides this weekend and I am hoping to brave the beach briefly and have a dip.  Not the island this weekend but maybe at Orewa on Sunday where there is a flat walk to the beach and just a few steps down to the sand.