Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Taste and see...

You don't realize how important the senses are to your joie de vivre until you find them waning.  I am still looking for the ideal cup of coffee and was most discouraged a week or so ago when my decaf latte tasted and looked like hot milk.  I thought it was their fault but on second thought it must be my sense of taste rather diminished by the pallid appearance of the glass it was served in.  

Tried a different cafe after tai chi yesterday and am pleased to report my flat white there was much better and tasted of coffee even though it was decaf.  Caffeine does tend to make me a bit jittery so keep that pleasure for when I don't want to be conspicuous.  The Parkinson's tremor is a resting tremor  and generally makes its presence felt and seen when my dose of levodopa is due, or, sometimes in my case, late.  

Tonight I have prepared some juicy rissoles for our evening meal and  a colourful autumn vegetable stew to go over the potato to make it easier to swallow.  Seasoned of course with plenty of basil, thyme and parsley from the garden.

Bought this lovely soft apricot chrysanthemum at Kings Plant Barn this morning after the coffee morning there with the Parkinson's women's group I belong to.  

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Guava Jelly

Celebrated the first day of Autumn by making some guava jelly taking care this time to add a bit of lemon juice and boiling it fast to ensure a firm set.  It has a deep ruby colour as usual and the usual tart flavour .  In the background are my scales, the ones I use each and every day for weighing something or rather.  I have them on the old tea wagon near the stove where it's very convenient.  People with Parkinson's often lose their sense of taste and smell, both of which contribute largely to our enjoyment of food.  I try  to compensate by using colour in food and adding the stronger herbs like basil, rosemary and thyme to add flavour.