Friday, May 10, 2013

Priming the Brain

Went to a very interesting talk at the U3A today by Cathy Stinear of the Centre for Brain Research. First we heard all about the factors that cause strokes and things that can be done to avoid those clots that can cut off blood supply to the brain. The risk factors are things like being overweight, diabetic, having high cholesterol, leading a sedentary lifestyle. It was good to hear that half an hours walking each day five days a week is the single most beneficial thing one can do to prevent a stroke. Other things like limiting alcohol, fatty foods, keeping an eye on high blood pressure and avoiding stress are other things we can all do. For those people unfortunate enough to have had a stroke then getting help within the first 4 or 5 hours is critical.

The difference with Parkinson's I think is that people with it are going to get progressively worse whereas with stroke some people are going to get a lot better, others a bit better and some maybe not much at all. However we can all exercise each day and bear the other factors in mind so that in one group of people the deterioration is slowed down and in the other recovery is increased. So hope for all and definitely better to look on the bright side of things.

Another thing I took away was the need to exercise the weak arm and hand and not compensate by using the other one all the time as I have got used to doing over the last few years.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Tulip time

To sweeten up my life with Parkinson's D bought me a bunch of red tulips which look lovely on the mantelpiece in the sitting room.

Our winter duvet has a cheerful Laura Ashley cover with full blown tulips in pink and red too.

I buy tulip bulbs from our local Parkinsons fundraiser and have some from last year and the year before in the frig for a few weeks until it is time to plant them for spring flowering.